Here we present technical reports of the process or results of our research.


Oregon Extended Assessment Technical Documentation (2023). Eugene, OR: Behavioral Research and Teaching, University of Oregon. This techniml report is one of a series that describes the development of Oregon’s Statewide Assessment System. The complete set of volumes provides comprehensive documentation of the development, procedures, technical adequacy, and results of the system.     Rowley, B., Tindal, S., Loan, C. & Tindal, G. OR Ext Assessment Tech Documentation 2023


Oregon Extended Assessment Technical Documentation (2022). This document provides updated technical adequacy documentation for the Oregon Extended Assessment (ORExt), which is Oregon’s alternate assessment based on alternate academic achievement standards (AA-AAAS). The documentation includes test design and development, technical characteristics of the assessments and their uses, and impact in providing proficiency data on grade level state standards as part of the mandates from the Every Student Succeeds Act of 2015 (ESSA). Loan, C. M., Rowley, B., Tindal, S., & Tindal. G. OR Ext Assessment Tech Documentation 2022


Oregon Extended Assessments Consequential Validity Survey Results (2019). Behavioral Research and Teaching (BRT) at the University of Oregon conducted the current consequential validity survey for the Oregon Department of Education (ODE). The purpose was to determine Oregon educator perceptions of the impact that implementation of the Oregon Extended Assessment (ORExt) program has upon the field in the areas of instruction and student opportunity for students with significant cognitive disabilities (SWSCD). BRT collected the information as a basis for continuous improvement efforts related to the ORExt. This is the fifth year collecting such information, with participants asked to respond to a range of quantitative and qualitative survey prompts. All participants were Qualified Assessors (QAs) and Qualified Trainers (QTs) in Oregon, and were assured of strict confidentiality, with aggregated survey results reported here to protect confidentiality. OR Ext Assessments Consequential Validity Survey Results_2019.

Oregon Extended Assessment Technical Documentation (2019). This document provides updated technical adequacy documentation for the Oregon Extended Assessment (ORExt), which is Oregon’s alternate assessment based on alternate academic achievement standards (AAAAAS). The documentation includes test design and development, technical characteristics of the assessments, and their uses, and impact in providing proficiency data on grade level state standards as part of the mandates from the Every Student Succeeds Act of 2015 (ESSA). The ORExt assessments were redesigned in 2014-15, including a vertical scale in Grades 3-8 in English language arts and mathematics to support eventual determinations of student growth over time. The test is aligned to Essentialized Standards (EsSt) that are part of comprehensive Essentialized Assessment Frameworks (EAFs) that were written at three levels of complexity (low, medium, and high). Rowley, B., Tindal, S., Irvin, P. S., Anderson, D., & Tindal, G. OR Ext Assessment Technical Documentation_2019


Oregon Extended Assessment Technical Documentation (2018). This document provides updated technical adequacy documentation for the Oregon Extended Assessment (ORExt), which is Oregon’s alternate assessment based on alternate academic achievement standards (AAAAAS). The documentation includes test design and development, technical characteristics of the assessments, and their uses, and impact in providing proficiency data on grade level state standards as part of the mandates from the Every Student Succeeds Act of 2015 (ESSA). The Oregon Department of Education. OR Ext Assessment Tech Documentation_2018


Oregon’s Extended Assessments Selection, Links, Alignment: Establishing a Validity Position (2017). Oregon’s Extended Assessments (ORExt) in English Language Arts, Mathematics, and Science were evaluated in a low-complexity alignment study conducted in Spring of 2017. Averages of reviewer professional judgments over five separate evaluations were gathered, reviewed, and interpreted in the pages that follow. In the three evaluations that involved determining the relationship between standards and items, reviewers identified sufficient to strong relationships among assessment components in all grades and all subject areas. In the two evaluations involving Achievement Level Descriptors, reviewers identified thirty instances of sufficient to strong relationships out of thirty-four possible relationship opportunities resulting in an overall affirmed relationship with areas for refinements identified. OR Ext Assessment Selection, Links, Alignment: Establishing a Validity Position_2017

Oregon Extended Assessment Pilot Tablet Administration Study Report Phase 2 (2017). The Oregon Department of Education (ODE) commissioned Phase 2 of a two-year research study to determine the feasibility of statewide implementation of a tablet- based administration study in the spring 2017 test administration. The purpose of the Phase 2 study was to ensure that all data collection and sharing systems required of a tablet administration between ODE and Behavioral Research & Teaching (BRT) were operational and would result in secure, accurate reporting. All participants were provided with an Oregon Extended Assessment (ORExt) Tablet User Guide (see Appendix A), which explained how to download and use the ORExt testing application. OR Ext Assessment Pilot Tablet Admin Study Report Phase 2_2017

Oregon Extended Assessment Technical Documentation (2016–2017). This document provides updated technical adequacy documentation for the Oregon Extended Assessment (ORExt), which is Oregon’s alternate assessment based on alternate academic achievement standards (AA-AAAS). The documentation includes test design and development, technical characteristics of the assessments, and their uses, and impact in providing proficiency data on grade level state standards as part of the mandates from the Every Student Succeeds Act of 2015 (ESSA). The Oregon Department of Education. OR Ext Assessment Technical Documentation_2016–2017


Oregon Extended Assessment Technical Documentation (2015–2016). This document provides updated technical adequacy documentation for the Oregon Extended Assessment (ORExt), which is Oregon’s alternate assessment based on alternate academic achievement standards (AA-AAAS). The documentation includes test design and development, technical characteristics of the instruments, and its use and impact in providing proficiency data on grade level state standards as part of the mandates from the Every Student Succeeds Act of 2015 (ESSA). The Oregon Department of Education. OR Ext Assessment Technical Documentation_2015–2016


Oregon Extended Assessment Technical Documentation (2015). In June of 2015, 53 content area and special education experts, representing three subject areas met over the course of three days and were guided through a judgmental decision-making workshop to set the cut scores for Oregon’s 2015 Extended Assessments. Oregon’s Extended Assessments are designed for students with the most significant cognitive disabilities and were recently revised to align to the state’s Essentialized Assessment Frameworks. The Essentialized Assessment Frameworks provide a direct link to the English Language Arts and Mathematics Common Core State Standards, and Oregon’s Science Standards as well as the Next Generation Science Standards in Science, for this population. A third-party, neutral observer was present to document and evaluate the proceedings to determine the validity of the resulting cut scores. The documentation that follows, details the logistical and statistical procedures undertaken in preparation for the workshop, describes the procedures followed during the workshop, and documents steps taken after the workshop toward finalizing the cut scores for use by this population. The results of the workshop are included in this document and the validity of the process is affirmed. OR Ext Assessment Technical Documentation_2015

Oregon Extended Assessment Technical Documentation (2014-2015). This document provides updated technical adequacy documentation for the Oregon Extended Assessment (ORExt), which is Oregon’s alternate assessment based on alternate academic achievement standards (AA-AAAS). The documentation includes test design and development, technical characteristics of the instruments, and its use and impact in providing proficiency data on grade level state standards as part of the mandates from No Child Left Behind (NCLB). The Oregon Department of Education. OR Ext Assessment Technical Documentation_2014-2015


Oregon Extended Assessment Technical Documentation (2013-2014). This volume provides updated documentation of the alternate assessment in Oregon, its design and development, the technical characteristics of the instruments, and its use and impact in providing proficiency data on grade level state standards as part of the mandates from No Child Left Behind (NCLB). The Oregon Department of Education. OR Ext Assessment Technical Documentation_2013-2014


Oregon Extended Assessment Technical Documentation (2012-2013). This volume provides updated documentation of the alternate assessment in Oregon, its design and development, the technical characteristics of the instruments, and its use and impact in providing proficiency data on grade level state standards as part of the mandates from No Child Left Behind (NCLB). The Oregon Department of Education. OR Ext Assessment Technical Documentation_2012-2013


Oregon Extended Assessment Technical Documentation (2011-2012). This volume provides updated documentation of the alternate assessment in Oregon, its design and development, the technical characteristics of the instruments, and its use and impact in providing proficiency data on grade level state standards as part of the mandates from No Child Left Behind (NCLB). The Oregon Department of Education. OR Ext Assessment Technical Documentation_2011-2012


Oregon Extended Assessment Technical Documentation (2010-2011). This volume provides complete documentation of the alternate assessment in Oregon, its design and development, the technical characteristics of the instruments, and its use and impact in providing proficiency data on grade level state standards as part of the mandates from No Child Left Behind (NCLB). The Oregon Department of Education. OR Ext Assessment Technical Documentation_2010-2011


Oregon Extended Assessment Technical Documentation (2009-2010). The Extended Assessment, was organized into three grade levels: Elementary (grades 3-5), Middle School (grades 6 – 8), and High School (grade 10). For each grade level of the assessment, the materials include two booklets for each test administration: (a) the student materials and (b) the scoring and recording protocols. Also, two administration formats were provided for each grade level: Standard Administration and Scaffold Administration.

Four subject areas have been developed for the Extended Assessment: Reading, Writing, Mathematics, and Science. Within each of these subject areas, and consistently across both formats – Standard and Scaffold – each test begins with a “Prerequisite Skills” (Task 1) followed by 10 content-level Tasks referred to as the “Content Prompts”. Each Content Prompt Task consists of 5 test items, therefore a total of 50 content prompt test items comprise each Extended Assessment. The Oregon Department of Education. OR Ext Assessment Technical Documentation_2009-2010