BRT News

Article Published: Patterns of Statewide Test Participation for Students With Significant Cognitive Disabilities

Patterns of Statewide Test Participation for Students With Significant Cognitive Disabilities. Students with significant cognitive disabilities are eligible to participate in two statewide testing options for accountability: alternate assessments or general assessments with appropriate accommodations. Participation guidelines are generally quite vague, leading to students “switching” test participation between years. In this study, we tracked test participation for two cohorts of students with a documented disability over 3 years. Results suggested approximately 25% of students who initially took the alternate assessment…
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Article Published: Achievement Gaps for Students with Disabilities: Stable, Widening, or Narrowing on a State-wide Reading Comprehension Test

Achievement Gaps for Students with Disabilities: Stable, Widening, or Narrowing on a State-wide Reading Comprehension Test. Reading comprehension growth trajectories from 3rd to 7th grade were estimated for 99,919 students on a state reading comprehension assessment. We examined whether differences between students in general education (GE) and groups of students identified as exceptional learners were best characterized as stable, widening, or narrowing. The groups included students with disabilities (SWD) from 8 exceptionality groups and 2 groups of academically gifted students…
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Teacher Practices and Student Growth in Mathematics: Grades 6-8 (Technical Report No. 1401)

Anderson, D., Saven, J. L., Irvin, P. S., Alonzo, J., Tindal, G. (2014). Teacher practices and student growth in mathematics: Grades 6-8 (Technical Report No. 1401). Eugene, OR: Behavioral Research and Teaching, University of Oregon. This study was designed to explore how teachers’ instructional practices relate to progress monitoring data in math in Grades 6 and 7.     TechRpt_1401

The Development of easyCBM Spanish Literacy Assessments for Use in Grades K-2 (Technical Report No. 1301)

Alonzo, J., Gonzalez, M. & Tindal, G. (2013). The development of easyCBM Spanish literacy assessments for use in grades K-2 (Technical Report No. 1301). Eugene, OR: Behavioral Research and Teaching, University of Oregon. In this study, we describe two studies used to select appropriate assessments to measure phonemic awareness, alphabetic principle, and fluency in the Spanish language for students receiving literacy instruction in Spanish.     TechRpt1301