BRT News

Article Published: Exploring the Robustness of a Unidimensional Item Response Theory Model with Empirically Multidimensional Data

Exploring the Robustness of a Unidimensional Item Response Theory Model with Empirically Multidimensional Data Unidimensionality and local independence are two common assumptions of item response theory. The former implies that all items measure a common latent trait, while the latter implies that responses are independent, conditional on respondents’ location on the latent trait. Yet, few tests are truly unidimensional. Unmodeled dimensions may result in test items displaying dependencies, which can lead to misestimated parameters and inflated reliability estimates. In this…
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BRT Looking Forward to Getting SMART-er This Summer

Julie Alonzo , Co-Director of BRT, was recently selected to attend the 2017 Summer Research Training Institute on sequential multiple assignment randomized trials (SMARTs). SMART designs are recommended for use in the development and evaluation of adaptive interventions, in which interventions are adapted when evidence suggests that adaptations are needed to better meet the needs of the individual receiving the interventions. The Summer Research Institute, funded by the National Center for Special Education Research (NCSER) in the Institute of Education…
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AERA (April 27th – May 1st, 2017 San Antonio, TX)

AERA (April 27th – May 1st, 2017 San Antonio, TX) The American Educational Research Association (AERA), founded in 1916, is concerned with improving the educational process by encouraging scholarly inquiry related to education and evaluation and by promoting the dissemination and practical application of research results. Examining the Factor Structure and Measurement Invariance of a Large-scale Kindergarten Entry Assessment. Irvin, P. S., Tindal, G., &  Slater, S.

NCME (April 27th – May 1st, 2017, San Antonio, TX)

NCME (April 27th – May 1st, 2017, San Antonio, TX) The National Council on Measurement in Education (NCME) is a professional organization for individuals involved in assessment, evaluation, testing, and other aspects of educational measurement. Members are involved in the construction and use of standardized tests; new forms of assessment, including performance-based assessment; program design; and program evaluation. Examining the Relation Between Kindergarten Entry & Emerging Literacy & Math Achievement. Irvin, P. S., Tindal, G., & Slater, S. Using Effect Size…
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New Book Chapter: Assessment of Students with Learning Disabilities: Using Students’ Performance and Progress to Inform Instruction

Assessment of Students with Learning Disabilities: Using Students’ Performance and Progress to Inform Instruction. The combination of RTI and formative assessment, particularly curriculum-based measurement (CBM), provides an explicit system for better understanding and validating instructional decision-making using student responses. Tindal, G., Alonzo, J., Sáez, L., & Nese, J. F. T. (2017). Assessment of students with learning disabilities: Using students’ performance and progress to inform instruction. In K. Ercikan & J. W. Pellegrino (Eds.), Validation of Score Meaning in the Next…
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Graduate Employee Josh Kahn Receives Betty Foster McCue Scholarship

Graduate Employee Josh Kahn Receives Betty Foster McCue Scholarship April 2017 BRT Graduate Employee Josh Kahn was recently awarded a Betty Foster McCue Scholarship by the University of Oregon Graduate School. This award recognizes doctoral candidates in the final year of their doctoral programs whose dissertations focus on topics related to human development and performance. Josh’s dissertation focuses on the development and validation of a measure of Administrative Decision-Making in Student Discipline (ADMin-SD). Previous research has demonstrated that students are…
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Executive Leadership Institute -June 28-29, 2017, Eugene, OR (University of Oregon)

BRT faculty and community partners will be teaming with the University of Oregon’s Department of Educational Methodology, Policy, and Leadership to present a two-day intensive Executive Leadership Institute June 28-29, 2017. The Institute’s theme is “Leading school improvement with evidence-based decisions: Enhancing academic and behavioral performance in classrooms and schools.” BRT faculty presenting at the Institute include Drs. Julie Alonzo, Daniel Anderson, and Shawn Irvin and doctoral student Joshua Kahn. Community partners involved include Drs. Deni Basaraba, from Bethel School…
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PCRC (February 2nd – 4th, 2017, Coronado Bay, CA)

PCRC (February 2nd – 4th, 2017, Coronado Bay, CA) The Pacific Coast Research Conference (PCRC) is for researchers concerned about teaching, learning, and schooling for students with mild to moderate disabilities. PCRC is a unique research meeting, characterized by intensity and informality. The meeting runs from Thursday evening until Saturday night; sessions are two hours in length. PCRC is distinguished by the high quality of research presented, an informality that promotes effective and vigorous participation and interaction, and an opportunity to discuss…
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There’s a New Doctor in the House

There’s a New Doctor in the House March 2, 2017 BRT would like to congratulate Dan Farley on successfully defending his dissertation and earning his Ph.D. on March 2, 2017. Dr. Farley has worked closely with BRT since 2011, when he was hired to manage our work related to the Oregon Extended Assessment for the Oregon Department of Education. Dr. Farley’s dissertation aligns closely with his previously published articles, among them a 2016 manuscript published in Exceptional Children and another…
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Article Published: Modeling Reading Growth in Grades 3 to 5 with an Alternate Assessment

Modeling Reading Growth in Grades 3 to 5 with an Alternate Assessment. Modeling growth for students with significant cognitive disabilities (SWSCD) is difficult due to a variety of factors, including, but not limited to, missing data, test scaling, group heterogeneity, and small sample sizes. These challenges may account for the paucity of previous research exploring the academic growth of SWSCD. Our study represents a unique context in which a reading assessment, calibrated to a common scale, was administered statewide to…
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