BRT News

Article Published: Achievement Gaps for Students with Disabilities: Stable, Widening, or Narrowing on a State-wide Reading Comprehension Test?

Achievement Gaps for Students with Disabilities: Stable, Widening, or Narrowing on a State-wide Reading Comprehension Test? Reading comprehension growth trajectories from 3rd to 7th grade were estimated for 99,919 students on a state reading comprehension assessment. We examined whether differences between students in general education (GE) and groups of students identified as exceptional learners were best characterized as stable, widening, or narrowing. The groups included students with disabilities (SWD) from 8 exceptionality groups and 2 groups of academically gifted students…
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BRT Employee Receives Campus-Wide Recognition

BRT Employee Receives Campus-Wide Recognition August 26, 2016 Denise Swanson, BRT’s most senior employee, was one of only five people campus-wide to be awarded a 2016 Classified Star award in recognition of her outstanding service to the University of Oregon. The Classified Star awards are presented by the Classified Staff Training and Development Advisory Committee in partnership with the Office of the President and Department of Intercollegiate Athletics and are intended to recognize classified employees who go “above and beyond”…
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Article Published: Influence of Opportunity to Learn Indices and Education Status on Students’ Mathematics Achievement Growth

Influence of Opportunity to Learn Indices and Education Status on Students’ Mathematics Achievement Growth. We examined instructional processes in classrooms where students with and without disabilities received mathematics instruction to understand the relationship among key instructional process variables and achievement as measured by interim and end-of-year summative assessments. Elliott, S. N., Kurz, A., Tindal, G. & Yel, N. (2016). Influence of opportunity to learn indices and education status on students’ mathematics achievement growth. Remedial and Special Education. Published online before print August…
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OSEP (Aug. 1st – 3rd, 2016, Washington DC)

OSEP (Aug. 1-3, 2016, Washington DC) The Office of Special Education Programs (OSEP) is dedicated to improving results for infants, toddlers, children and youth with disabilities ages birth through 21 by providing leadership and financial support to assist states and local districts. Achievement Growth and Gaps for Students with Disabilities. Schulte, A. C., Stevens, J. J., Tindal, G., & Elliott, S. N. MthAchievementGrowthGaps_Stevens_Nese

COSA Summer Assessment Institute (August 3rd – 5th, 2016, Eugene, OR)

COSA Summer Assessment Institute (August 3rd – 5th, 2016, Eugene, OR) The Confederation of Oregon School Administrators (COSA) serves and represents more than 2,000 school administrators, managers and executives. COSA was founded in 1974 to give Oregon’s education leaders a united voice in helping to shape public policy, advocate for schools and speak on behalf of students. Accessibility to Grade-Level Content for Students with Significant Cognitive Disabilities. Lenhardt, B., Reeve, V., Tindal, G., & Farley, D.     AccssbltyGrLevelContent_Lenhardt_Reeve_ETAL

Center Stage with Headliner – Julie Alonzo

Headliner – Dr. Julie Alonzo August 2016 With a $1.5 million research grant from the Institute of Education Sciences (IES) launching in August of 2016, Dr. Julie Alonzo, Co-Director of BRT, is excited about the future. “The funding for Project DATA for RTI,” she explains, “came at the perfect time, exactly one decade after we received the initial funding that enabled us to develop the easyCBM system. The initial work, funded by the Office of Special Education Programs, gave us…
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Article Published: Using Explicit and Systematic Instruction to Support Working Memory

Using Explicit and Systematic Instruction to Support Working Memory. Differences in working-memory capacity affect how students learn new skills and complete activities. Students with learning disabilities often experience challenges associated with limited working-memory capacity. This article offers strategies both for recognizing and supporting working-memory processing constraints and to facilitate working-memory processing during reading and math instruction. Smith, J. L. M., Sáez, L., & Doabler, C. T. (2016). Using explicit and systematic instruction to support working memory. Teaching Exceptional Children, 48, 6,…
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Article Published: The Relation Between Smarter Balanced and easyCBM Mathematics and Reading Assessments

The Relation Between Smarter Balanced and easyCBM Mathematics and Reading Assessments. This study investigated the relation between the easyCBM Benchmark Assessments in both mathematics and reading and the Smarter Balanced assessment, widely adopted across the United States Alonzo,  J.  (2016).  The relation between Smarter Balanced and easyCBM mathematics and reading assessments. Journal of School Administration Research and Development, 1, 17-35.    Access article through

Project DATA for RTI Grant

Project DATA for RTI Grant- Developing Adept Teams for Advancing RTI Program: Professional Development for Teachers and Related Service Providers Fiscal Year: 2016 Name of Institution: University of Oregon Principal Investigator: Alonzo, JulieTitle: Project DATA for RTI: Developing Adept Teams for Advancing RTIGoal: DevelopmentAward Number: R324A160032Award Amount: $1,499,997Award Period: # years (08/01/2016-07/31/2020)Co-Principal Investigator(s): Gerald Tindal DESCRIPTIONPurpose: The purpose of this project is to develop an individualized web-based professional development (PD) program to support teachers’ effective implementation of Response to Intervention…
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