BRT News

Book Chapter: Technology-based Assessment and Problem Analysis

Technology-based Assessment and Problem Analysis This chapter discusses features of technology-based assessments particularly relevant for applications in school settings implementing response to intervention (RTI). Using easyCBM®, a popular learning management system developed to support RTI, the chapter illustrates measurement development and delivery that can provide instructionally relevant reports. Three important constructs are addressed that need additional research and development: measurement sufficiency, instructional adequacy, and data-based decision making. Consideration of these areas has received little attention in the empirical literature but…
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BRT Manager Honored

Raina Megert, BRT Projects and Personnel Manager, awarded the U of O College of Education’s 2016 Officer of Administration Award May 17, 2016The award places Raina Megert in an elite group of University of Oregon employees who have been recognized for their outstanding service to students, the College, and/or state and community partners. Raina’s nomination mentioned the essential role she plays in the $12,000,000 National Center on Assessment and Accountability for Special Education (NCAASE), an IES funded center which has…
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BRT Research Assistant Advances

BRT Research Assistant Advances to Doctoral Candidacy May 17, 2016 BRT Research Assistant Dan Farley, who heads up our work on Extended Assessments for students with significant disabilities, successfully presented his dissertation proposal on May 5, 2016. This is the next-to-last step in his journey toward earning the coveted Ph.D. in Educational Methodology, Leadership, and Policy from the University of Oregon. Dan anticipates defending his dissertation in 2017. His study will focus on modeling growth for students with significant cognitive…
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Oregon Extended Assessment-Vertical Scaling Project

Goal: Establish a computer-based vertically scaled English language arts (combined reading and writing) and mathematics test with three levels of difficulty – low, mid, and high – that students can take after completing 15 items for placement into these levels. This type of testing provides an adaptive form to ensure students do not take items for which they have a low probability of answering correctly or do not take items that are excessively easy (g., waste time and fatigue students)….
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RFA: Special Education Research and Development Center Program (CFDA# 84.324C) Topic Two: Special Education R & D Center on Assessment and Accountability, Gerald Tindal (UO), Project Director & Co-PI, Ann Schulte (NCSU), Co-PI, Stephen N. Elliott (ASU), Co-PI, Joseph Stevens (UO), Co-PI In this application, we propose a National Research and Development Center on Assessment and Accountability for Special Education to develop and test various approaches for measuring the achievement growth of students with and without disabilities. We reference these…
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Funding Source: Office of Special Education Programs, Stepping Up Technology Implementation Pur p os e : The field lacks a comprehensive assessment of children’s early risk for reading disabilities (RD) that can be seamlessly used during the critical preschool‐ to‐ kindergarten transition. In addition, fundamentally different approaches to assessment across settings threaten the promise of effective early RD prevention. Consequently, we propose to develp strategies and resources to bridge assessment and data‐based decision‐making practices across preschool and kindergarten to promote…
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