BRT News

easyCBM Reading Criterion Related Validity Evidence: Grades 2-5 (Technical Report No. 1310)

Lai, C. F., Alonzo, J., Tindal, G. (2013). easyCBM reading criterion related validity evidence: Grades 2-5 (Technical Report No. 1310). Eugene, OR: Behavioral Research and Teaching, University of Oregon. In this technical report, we present the results of a study to gather criterion-related evidence for Grade 2-5 easyCBM® reading measures. We used correlations to examine the relation between the easyCBM® measures and other published measures with known reliability and validity evidence, including the Gates-MacGinitie Reading Tests and the Dynamic Indicators of…
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Training Modules_2015: OR Assessment Frameworks-2015-2016 User Guide

Oregon Department of Education (ODE)/ Office of Student Services (OSS) sponsored test development activities: Oregon Assessment Frameworks (EAFs) – 2015-2016 User Guide . Farley, D., Irvin, P. S., Jonas, S., & Tindal, G. EAF 2015 – 16 User Guide      1. ODE/OSS English Language Arts Essentialized Assessment Frameworks ELA_EA Frameworks_2015      2. ODE/OSS Math Essentialized Assessment Frameworks Math_EA Frameworks_2015      3. ODE/OSS Science Essentialized Assessment Frameworks Science_EA Frameworks_2015

Training Modules_2015: Oregon Extended Item Development

Oregon Extended Item Development. (2014-2016). Farley, D., Irvin, P. S., Jonas, S., & Tindal, G.      1. Essentialization Process      2. OR Extended Assessment Test Blueprint_2015-­16      3. OR Extended Assessment Development Process 2015 ORExt_Item Devt_Process_2015      4. OR Extended Assessment Item Writer Trainings ORExt_Item Writer Training_2014      5. OR Extended Assessment-Item Development Info. & Specifications 2014-15 ORExt_ Item Devt Test Specs_2014      6. OR Extended Assessment Item Reviews-Fall 2014 ORExt ORExt_Item Reviews_Fall 2014

An Exploration of Differential Item Functioning With the easyCBM Middle School Mathematics Tests: Grades 6-8 (Technical Report No. 1501)

Anderson, D., Park, S., Alonzo, J., Tindal, G. (2015).   An exploration of differential item functioning with the easyCBM middle school mathematics tests: grades 6-8 (Technical Report No. 1501). Eugene, OR: Behavioral Research and Teaching, University of Oregon. The purpose of this technical report is to summarize the results of an investigation into the differential item functioning (DIF) of the easyCBM(R) middle school mathematics items, Grades 6-8, designed to measure the Common Core State Standards.     TechRpt_1501

New Blog Post-Teacher/Parent Friendly Articles

Sáez, L. (2015, March). The Hidden Reason Why Some Kids Can’t Follow Your Directions: UnlockingMulti-step directions. Available at: The Hidden Reason Why Some Kids Can’t Follow Your Directions_Saez.

easyCBM Norms 2014 Edition (Technical Report No. 1409)

Saven, J. L., Tindal, G., Irvin, P. S., Farley, D., Alonzo, J. (2014). easyCBM norms 2014 edition. (Technical Report No. 1409). Eugene, OR: Behavioral Research and Teaching, University of Oregon. Previous norms for the easyCBM assessment system were computed using scores fromall students who took each measure for every grade and benchmark season (fall, winter, and spring). During the 2013-­‐14 school year, new national norms were developed to more accurately (proportionately) represent reading and mathematics performance by two variables: region…
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Technical Manual: easyCBM (Technical Report No. 1408)

Anderson, D., Alonzo, J., Tindal, G., Farley, D., Irvin, P. S., Lai, C. F., Saven, J. L., Wray, K. A. (2014). Technical manual: easyCBM (Technical Report No. 1408). Eugene, OR: Behavioral Research and Teaching, University of Oregon. Since the easyCBM© learning system was first published in 2006, over $8 million of federal funding (both from the Office of Special Education Programs and more recently from the Institute of Education Sciences) has been used to develop, study, and refine the assessments…
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Internal Consistency of the easyCBM CCSS Reading Measures Grades K-8 (Technical Report No. 1407)

Guerreiro, M., Alonzo, J., Tindal, G. (2014). Internal consistency of the easyCBM CCSS reading measures grades K-8 (Technical Report No. 1407). Eugene, OR: Behavioral Research and Teaching, University of Oregon. This technical report documents findings from a study of the internal consistency and split-half reliability of the easyCBM© CCSS Reading measures, grades 3-8.     TechRpt_1407

Analysis of Growth on State Tests for Students with Significant Cognitive Disabilities (Technical Report No. 1311)

Farley, D., Saven, J. L., Tindal, G., Nese, J. F. T. (2013). Analysis of growth on state tests for students with significant cognitive disabilities (Technical Report No. 1311). Eugene, OR: Behavioral Research and Teaching, University of Oregon. Alternate assessments based on alternate achievement standards are designed to measure the academic achievement of students with the most significant cognitive disabilities. Because this population has not previously been included in large-scale testing programs, these assessments present unique measurement challenges.   TechRpt_1311