Spanish Language Vocabulary Measures, Grades 2-8, To Be Added in the Fall
Thanks to all the teachers and students who assisted with piloting the Spanish Language Vocabulary items, we have sufficient data to enable us to assemble alternate forms for Benchmark Screening and Progress Monitoring so we can add these measures to the easyCBM District and Deluxe Edition systems this summer, in preparation for use next year.
Once the measures are added to the system, students and teachers will be provided with their raw scores after each test (just as with the other easyCBM measures). We will be adding percentile rank information to help interpret these raw scores incrementally, after each seasonal benchmark — because we need to use the scores from those students who take the tests in the fall, winter, and spring to calculate percentile ranks.
Thus, we’ll have percentile ranks for the Fall measures by November 15, 2018 percentile ranks for the Winter measures by March 15, 2019 and percentile ranks for the spring measures by July 15 of 2019. And, once we have the data, we’ll be able to provide percentile ranks hard-coded into the system for immediate retrieval in subsequent years.