Tag Archive: 2013

An Examination of the Internal Structures of the easyCBM CCSS Reading Measures (Technical Report No. 1304)

Alonzo, J., Park, B. J., & Tindal, G. (2013). An examination of the internal structures of the easyCBM CCSS reading measures (Technical Report No. 1304). Eugene, OR: Behavioral Research and Teaching, University of Oregon. This technical report presents the results of a confirmatory factor analysis of the internal structures of the easyCBM® CCSS reading assessments. These assessments, which include item prompts based onRead to Perform a Task, Informational Text, and Short Literary Text include a series of item prompts followed…
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An Examination of the Internal Structures of the Gr. K-5 easyCBM CCSS Reading Measures: A Construct Validity Study (Technical Report No. 1305)

Alonzo, J., Park, B. J., Tindal, G. (2013). An examination of the internal structures of the gr. K-5 easyCBM CCSS reading measures: A construct validity study (Technical Report No. 1305). Eugene, OR: Behavioral Research and Teaching, University of Oregon. This technical report presents the results of a construct validity study in which we used confirmatory factor analysis to study the ways in which the different easyCBM® reading measures relate to one another. These assessments, which include item prompts based on…
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Basic Concepts of Structural Equation Modeling (Technical Report No. 1306)

Anderson, D., Patarapichayatham, C., Nese, J. F. T. (2013). Basic concepts of structural equation modeling (Technical Report No. 1306). Eugene, OR: Behavioral Research and Teaching, University of Oregon. In this paper we introduce the basic concepts of structural equation modeling (SEM) for consumers of research. The purpose is to help provide readers a basis from which articles employing SEM can evaluated; but not necessarily to teach readers how to conduct an analysis.     TechRpt_1306

Learning Progressions: Tools for Assessment and Instruction for All Learners (Technical Report No. 1307)

Sáez. L., Lai, C. F., Tindal, G. (2013). Learning progressions: Tools for assessment and instruction for all learners (Technical Report No. 1307). Eugene, OR: Behavioral Research and Teaching, University of Oregon. Conceptually, learning progressions hold promise for improving assessment and instruction by precisely outlining what students know and don’t know at particular stages of knowledge and skill development. Based upon a synthesis of the literature, a rationale for the use of learning progressions maps to clarify how learning progresses in English…
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Hierarchical Linear Modeling (HLM): An Introduction to Key Concepts within Cross-Sectional and Growth Modeling Frameworks (Technical Report No. 1308)

Anderson, D. (2013). Hierarchical Linear Modeling (HLM): An introduction to key concepts within cross-sectional and growth modeling frameworks (Technical Report No. 1308). Eugene, OR: Behavioral Research and Teaching, University of Oregon. This manuscript provides an overview of hierarchical linear modeling (HLM), as part of a series of papers covering topics relevant to consumers of educational research. HLMis tremendously flexible, allowing researchers to specify relations across multiple “levels” of the educational system (e.g., students, classrooms, schools, etc.).  TechRpt_1308

easyCBM Reading Criterion Related Validity Evidence: Grades K-1 (Technical Report No. 1309)

Lai, C. F., Alonzo, J., Tindal, G. (2013). easyCBM reading criterion related validity evidence: Grades K-1 (Technical Report No. 1309). Eugene, OR: Behavioral Research and Teaching, University of Oregon. In this technical report, we present the results of a study to gather criterion-related evidence for Grade K-1 easyCBM® reading measures. We used correlations to examine the relation between the easyCBM® measures and other published measures with known reliability and validity evidence.   TechRpt_1309

easyCBM Reading Criterion Related Validity Evidence: Grades 2-5 (Technical Report No. 1310)

Lai, C. F., Alonzo, J., Tindal, G. (2013). easyCBM reading criterion related validity evidence: Grades 2-5 (Technical Report No. 1310). Eugene, OR: Behavioral Research and Teaching, University of Oregon. In this technical report, we present the results of a study to gather criterion-related evidence for Grade 2-5 easyCBM® reading measures. We used correlations to examine the relation between the easyCBM® measures and other published measures with known reliability and validity evidence, including the Gates-MacGinitie Reading Tests and the Dynamic Indicators of…
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Analysis of Growth on State Tests for Students with Significant Cognitive Disabilities (Technical Report No. 1311)

Farley, D., Saven, J. L., Tindal, G., Nese, J. F. T. (2013). Analysis of growth on state tests for students with significant cognitive disabilities (Technical Report No. 1311). Eugene, OR: Behavioral Research and Teaching, University of Oregon. Alternate assessments based on alternate achievement standards are designed to measure the academic achievement of students with the most significant cognitive disabilities. Because this population has not previously been included in large-scale testing programs, these assessments present unique measurement challenges.   TechRpt_1311

easyCBM CCSS Math Item Scaling and Test Form Revision (2012-2013): Grades 6-8 (Technical Report No. 1313)

Anderson, D., Alonzo, J., Tindal, G. (2013). easyCBM CCSS math item scaling and test form revision (2012-2013): Grades 6-8 (Technical Report No. 1313). Eugene, OR: Behavioral Research and Teaching, University of Oregon. The purpose of this technical report is to document the piloting and scaling of new easyCBM mathematics test items aligned with the Common Core State Standards (CCSS) and to describe the process used to revise and supplement the 2012 research version easyCBM CCSS math tests in Grades 6-8.   TechRpt_1313

The Development and Scaling of the easyCBM CCSS Elementary Mathematics Measures: Grade K (Technical Report No. 1314)

Irvin, P. S., Saven, J. L., Alonzo, J., Park, B. J., Anderson, D., Tindal, G. (2013). The development and scaling of the easyCBM CCSS elementary mathematics measures: Grade K (Technical Report No. 1314). Eugene, OR: Behavioral Research and Teaching, University of Oregon. The results of formative assessments are regularly used to inform important instructional decisions (e.g., targeted intervention) within a response to intervention(RTI) system of teaching and learning. The validity of such instructional decision-making depends, in part,on the alignment between…
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